Electric Reefer Environment Benefits

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Our ZERO (Zero Emissions Reefer sOlution) follows the green principle of reduce-reuse-recycle.
Our ER-230 and ER-460 units:
- Reduce energy consumption and emissions by taking inefficient diesel units offline.
- Reuse existing TRUs (Transport Refrigeration Units) by removing the diesel engines and replacing them with all-electric components.
- Recycle components removed from existing TRUs.
Zero Emissions
The ER-230 and ER-460 run entirely on electricity and burn no diesel fuel, which means they are emission free. And as the country turns to alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal, operating on electricity will continue to become a greener power source.

Human Health
The ER-230 and ER-460 replace traditional diesel engine powered TRUs, which produce diesel particulate matter.
Even though the diesel engines for TRUs are smaller than typical truck engines, they produce similar amounts of particulate matter. Also, diesel engines for TRUs tend to be run continuously, producing pollution 24 hour a day.
In 1998 diesel particulate matter was identified as a toxic air contaminant. This led to the Diesel Risk Reduction Plan, which was approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 2000, and the TRU ATCM (Airborne Toxic Control Measure) to be adopted in 2004 and is currently being completed by the EPA.

Local Environments
TRUs tend to be concentrated near distribution centers and near food supplies where traditional diesel engine powered TRUs produce considerable air and noise pollution. There is action in at least states, including California, to address this problem.
The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) was signed into law, creating a comprehensive, multi-year program to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in California. Pursuant to AB 32, the CARB (California Air Resources Board) was required to identify a list of early action GHG reduction measures. As a result, the CARB approved the Climate Change Scoping Plan, which included a list control measures for cold-storage TRUs.
The initial concepts of the regulation being developed would limit the use of any internal combustion engine driven refrigeration system that is used at any facility, including grocery stores and distribution centers, for extended cold storage. “Extended cold storage” is tentatively defined as 24-hours of switch-on time, but could be any engine run time that is inefficient and not related to on-road transport, with certain exceptions.
The goal is to reduce the GHG emissions that cause climate change by improving energy efficiency. Better energy efficiency would, in the case of TRUs, reduce diesel fuel use and therefore reduce carbon dioxide emissions (a GHG).
Those interested in receiving more information may contact the TRU ATCM toll-free helpline — 888-TRU-ATCM (888-878-2826), or send E-mail to tru@arb.ca.gov.

Estimated Sources and Emissions
Estimated California-based TRUs — 40,000 units
Estimated total diesel particulate matter emissions from TRUs operating in California — 1.6 tons per day
Estimated TRUs used for cold storage — 1300 units
Estimated annual diesel fuel usage for cold storage — 1.7 million gallons per year
Estimated annual CO2 generation from cold storage — 0.02 million metric tons per year